Why Start a Blog on an Aged Domain?

aged domain blogging

Someone else’s trash truly can be your treasure, especially when referencing website domains. Similar to properties, clothes, and furniture, taking something used and transforming it to have a new life from an aged domain can be extremely rewarding.

Just as the name indicates, an aged domain is a domain that was previously used as a website, and thus has accumulated backlinks that link to the site. These backlinks are valuable. So hosting a blog from an aged domain helps when starting a blog to attract new readers and viewers. Those backlinks will also help your ranking on Google for your new blog to take over the site.

The Aging Process

Domains do not simply go from being used to aging overnight. The domains can become expired. But, until the standard 30-day expiration period is up, they can be renewed by their owner. They become aged once that 30-day expiration period is over, and they hit the market with the same value as abandoned real estate.

Think of flipping the worst house in the best neighborhood, it can turn their property values completely around. The same thing happens with aged domains.

Aged domains are typically cheaper to purchase than brand new domains. Although your wallet will thank you, it will be much more work on your end to make sure you purchase an aged domain that is right for you and your blog.

How to Buy an Aged Domain

If you want to rebuild a site to fit your blog, buying an aged domain helps with some of the hard work. However, since the domain has expired, hence the term “aged domain”, you will want to double-check on a few things.

  1. What is the actual age of the domain, and when did the site expire? This is where you can check to see if its life was fruitful or went unused for the most part.
  2. Do the backlinks work and are they credible?
  3. Check for potential penalties from search engines

These steps will bring a bit more labor into the process. But in the end, it tends to be well worth it.

With aged domains and creating a blog, it’s important to double down on those links. For example, if your blog is about cooking, but all of the backlinks are sports-related, you may not have a winner.

In regards to potential penalties, it’s important to check for any red flags within the domain. Some examples of red flags in an aged domain would be:

See Also
person holding pencil near laptop computer

  1. Low-Quality links – This comes into play when doing your backlink research
  2. Possible manual penalties from Google -This could limit organic traffic to the site due to the links resulting in spam, blank pages, or errors.

When you have done your due diligence, an aged domain gets you high-quality links from high-authority sites that you would otherwise not be able to get starting a blog from scratch.


Whether you are brand new to blogging, or you are adding another domain to your collection, ranking is a term you will constantly see or refer to yourself. The way your blog ranks is the ease at which it is found on search engines. By purchasing a quality aged domain, you can give yourself a boost in those rankings because the domain is already established.

When a domain starts from scratch, there are no rankings to go off of. So you need to earn those rankings and search results by growing your audience and website traffic.

Wrap Up

Buying an aged domain to use for a blog is a lot of work. It takes more effort on your end than simply buying a brandnew domain. The difference is that there are countless benefits to giving an old domain new life in your new blog if you are willing to put in the work to find the perfect aged domain for your site. Now that you’ve finished this blog, you have all the tips to finding a viable one, as well as what to avoid.

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Picture of Adeline Howell

Adeline Howell

Adeline is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she majored in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and Journalism. Currently living in Charlotte, she enjoys reading, volleyball, and strolling through her favorite farmers markets with her Goldendoodle Theo.



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