Successful blogging requires a few crucial elements, but for this blog, we will stick to the first step of choosing the right platform. When researching which platform is best for bloggers, you may come across a few words that seem to pop up constantly, open source blogs and CMS.
Open source blogs and platforms have coding that makes them adjustable and accepting to change. Bloggers have the ability to create content without having extensive coding knowledge. In a nutshell, that means the website development is done behind the scenes and the blogger can focus on what they are truly passionate about, blogging!
CMS stands for content management system, which blogging platforms will oftentimes be referred to as. Used to not only manage content as the name states, but they allow multiple contributors to be a part of the platform, meaning multiple editors, publishers, and creators.
The benefits of running a blog on open source platforms are endless. They are affordable, have tons of knowledge embedded within, and are easy to use with generally great user interfaces. Blogging using an open source platform means that everything is freely shared and publicly accessible due to internal coding. A few more benefits are the scalability, reliability, and transparency factors of an open source platform. Users have the ability to flex the platform in any way while seeing exactly what they are getting with the capabilities of the platform. With all information being shared and unfiltered, users are protected and at low risk for blocks.
5 Examples of Open Source Blogging Platforms
WordPress is one of the most popular open-source platforms powering millions of websites. It is adaptable and has a user-friendly interface once you learn its capabilities. WordPress also converts websites seamlessly to any device, meaning it will look just as fantastic on an Apple or Android phone as it does on a PC. WordPress gives its users all the tools and features needed to run a successful blog or business.
One of the easiest platforms to start on because of its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop platform. No technical experience is required, and includes AI-based website designs. Wix has hundreds of templates to help your creative juices flow and create your best content.
Non-profit and free to users, Ghost was developed using Node.js, which is one of the more popular development tools. With the biggest focus on content, it supports custom themes and has built-in memberships and subscriptions to choose from. Unlike many open source platforms, Ghost is not free, but the plans are very affordable. They focus mostly on professional publishing, meaning it is a great option for independent journalists and writers from all over.
Built around Google Go’s programming language, Hugo is a very popular open source static site generator. It translates your markup files and is free for users. Users find Hugo usable for blogs and other frontend-oriented sites, such as an eCommerce business. For bloggers, Hugo features a fast run speed and has the ability to build ideal websites for writing content.
Famous for its static site generation and free blogging tools, Jekyll is great for beginners. Its main purpose is speed and performance. Due to the speed given along with security functions, many high-traffic sites use Jekyll. It has a simple interface that prides itself on bloggers only having to worry about one thing, their content.
Now that you know about open source blogging, plus a list that includes great open-source platforms, start blogging on an easy-to-use blogging platform!
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