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What Are Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic Organically?

What Are Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic Organically?

In the quest to amplify your blog’s reach organically, we’ve gathered insights from Founders to Marketing Heads, distilling their expertise into eleven actionable tips. Starting with becoming a topical authority and culminating in boosting traffic through social media engagement, these seasoned professionals unveil their tips for increasing blog traffic organically.

  • Become a Topical Authority
  • Pair SEO with Valuable Content
  • Organize Content into Clusters
  • Create Content Clusters with Anchor Posts
  • Implement the Skyscraper Technique
  • Conduct In-Depth Keyword Research
  • Engage and Guest Post Strategically
  • Leverage YouTube for Blog Traffic
  • Target Trending Keywords with Low Competition
  • Build Topical Authority with Focused Content
  • Boost Traffic with Social Media Engagement

Become a Topical Authority

Focus on completely covering a topical theme versus individual keywords. Google will reward you for becoming a topical authority. It wants to show websites in the search results that clearly know what they are talking about.

You do this by covering every detail of a topic, in as much detail as possible. Stop thinking of keywords and start focusing on topics.

Chad DeBolt, Founder, Surchability

Pair SEO with Valuable Content

In my eight years as the travel blogger behind, drawing over 400,000 monthly visitors, I’ve found two key strategies for increasing organic blog traffic effectively. The first is focusing on search engine optimization (SEO).

I dedicate time to ensuring each blog post is SEO-optimized with fitting keywords and meta descriptions, as these details help your content get found by readers in search engine results. Secondly, creating high-quality, valuable content is paramount. Users stay longer on your site and keep returning when they find your posts informative and engaging.

For instance, travel guides, how-to articles, or listicles with tips from personal experiences have been well-received on my site. They build a connection with the reader, which in turn, can lead to higher traffic. In essence, it’s a pairing of smart SEO practices with valuable, reader-centric content that gives a sustained boost to organic blog traffic.

Yulia Saf, Founder, Miss Tourist

Organize Content into Clusters

Stop blogging immediately until you’ve structured your content. Creating well-organized topic clusters (a.k.a. SEO silos) ensures a steady flow of relevant posts. Interlinking related topics within your blog boosts SEO and keeps readers engaged longer. This strategy significantly helped me 10x a B2B SaaS company’s inbound traffic.

Bryan Philips, Head of Marketing, In Motion Marketing

Create Content Clusters with Anchor Posts

Create an anchor piece of content that will serve as a thorough overview of the topic and/or key phrase you’re trying to rank for. Next, create blog articles on more granular subjects within that same topic. Link the blog posts on the more granular subjects to the anchor piece. This will create a content cluster that will allow search engines to see the relationship between the articles and help your content rank and bring in organic traffic.

Leslie Gelina, Digital Marketer, Frizzlie

Implement the Skyscraper Technique

Many bloggers face the challenge of increasing blog traffic organically, but implementing the “Skyscraper Technique” can yield remarkable results. The Skyscraper Technique, pioneered by Brian Dean of Backlinko, is a content strategy that focuses on creating high-quality, engaging content that outperforms existing articles on similar topics.

Here’s how you can implement the Skyscraper Technique:

Find Popular Content: Use tools like Ahrefs or BuzzSumo to identify content in your niche that has performed well in terms of shares and backlinks.

Create Superior Content: Analyze the top-performing content and identify areas for improvement. This could mean making the content more comprehensive, adding updated information, incorporating better visuals, or enhancing readability.

Promote Your Content: Once your improved content is published, promote it actively to attract backlinks and social shares. Reach out to websites and bloggers who are linked to the original content. Inform them about your newly published, improved version and suggest that it could be a valuable addition to their resources. Personalize your outreach to increase the chances of getting a positive response.

Another key effort that helped us to yield results is implementing expert roundup posts with the Skyscraper Technique. Compile insights and quotes from industry experts on a specific topic. These posts are valuable to readers and are often shared widely by the featured experts, increasing your blog’s visibility and traffic.

By focusing on creating content that is not only better but also more valuable to your audience, you can naturally attract more traffic. The key is to be consistent and persistent in your efforts, ensuring that each piece of content you create is of the highest quality. Over time, this strategy can significantly boost your blog’s organic traffic, leading to higher visibility and engagement.

Swapnil Kumar, Growth & Marketing Manager, Smartlead

Conduct In-Depth Keyword Research

Go deep on that keyword research. And it’s not enough to just sprinkle in some buzzwords and pray the SEO gods smile upon you.

Do keyword gap analysis, search intent modeling, and tap into those obscure long-tail niches your competitors are ignoring. Only once your content is strategically optimized for the terms your readership is looking for, can you ride that organic wave to viral territory.

Jason Smit, CEO, Contentellect

Engage and Guest Post Strategically

First, I would say your blog content should be informative, offer insights, bring news, and preferably be unique. The content should be easy to read; using complex sentences and difficult words to impress will scare readers away.

Secondly, follow or subscribe to other bloggers who create related content and comment on their blogs as much as possible. If you like and comment positively on their blogs, you increase the possibility that they will follow you or subscribe, and do the same for you.

Look for opportunities to place guest blog posts; with this, your blogs get exposure. is a great way to get quotes from experts, and when you post this, your article will be promoted, creating exposure and organic traffic. Additionally, you can answer questions on the same platform; if your answer is selected and posted, this will lead to organic traffic as well.

The percentage increase or absolute amount of organic traffic is hard to predict. This depends on the quality, relevance, and readability of your blogs and answers. And keep in mind, less is often more. Meaning, be selective with blog posts and answers, since quality eventually leads over quantity.

Just a few suggestions for you to explore.

Dennis Ruiter, Owner, KazNeth LLP

Leverage YouTube for Blog Traffic

I started a YouTube channel, and I added links in the descriptions of my videos to increase organic blog traffic. I find popular keywords in my niche on YouTube, then I create high-quality videos that get promoted in the YouTube algorithm.

If people are interested in learning more about the topic, they can go to my blog posts that teach them additional tips and tricks. This has been a great way to gain email subscribers and organic blog traffic!

See Also

Eddy Ballesteros, CEO, Balle Solutions LLC

Target Trending Keywords with Low Competition

I’d say—when you’re planning your content, it’s important to check how popular the topics you want to write about are. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner or AHREFS can help you figure out which keywords and subjects are currently trending. By focusing on keywords that have a search volume but low competition, you can create content that resonates with your target audience better, leading to organic traffic to your blog.

For instance, if your blog is centered around eating, you might find that keywords like “healthy recipes” or “fast nutritious meals” are highly searched for but not very competitive. Developing researched and interesting posts on these topics can help you attract an audience looking for information on these specific terms.

Moreover, incorporating these keywords into your titles, headings, and content can boost your visibility on search engines, making it easier for new readers to discover your blog.

David Rubie-Todd, Co-Founder & Marketing Director, Glide

Build Topical Authority with Focused Content

Think more like a library than a magazine. What most sites do is write a blog on topic A, and then the next week, topic B, and then topic C. And then they wonder why they have zero traffic.

It’s because you need to publish a blog on topic A, and then another blog on topic A, and then another blog on topic A—see where I’m going with this?

Your job is to create as much topical authority on your core topic that Google considers you an expert in that space. Think about it like this: why would anyone but an expert have more than 10 blogs on topic A? They must know what they’re talking about, right?

I’ve seen plenty of times where a client creates their 8th blog, 9th blog, 10th blog on a topic. No traffic. And then the 11th blog—BOOM. All the 11 blogs start ranking and pulling in traffic.

And the 12th blog? It indexes highly when published.

It’s worth your time to fill out a topic completely. Think like a library. Cover all the angles and sub-topics.

Tim Hanson, CCO, Penfriend

Boost Traffic with Social Media Engagement

One solid tip I’d recommend for boosting your blog traffic organically is to harness the power of social media. Sharing your content on platforms like X, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram can significantly expand your reach and attract new readers.

Engage with your audience, join relevant communities, and don’t hesitate to promote your blog posts creatively. Building a strong social media presence not only drives immediate traffic but also enhances your blog’s visibility in the long run. So, get social and watch your blog traffic soar!

Diamond Price, Creative & SEO Specialist

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