8 Writing Tips from Mark Twain

Mark Twain writing tips

Whether you chose blogging/content writing as a way to make money from home, or you need to write content for marketing purposes, there is one thing to keep in mind: you can always learn something from the greatest authors in history. Hemingway taught a lesson on clarity, Fitzgerald proved that we don’t always have to write about poor people, and Faulkner taught writers that experimenting led to greatness. Let’s focus on a single writer that content writers and bloggers can learn a lot from – Mark Twain.

The work and lifestyle of this genius give us hints on how to become better at what we do.

Mark Twain Teaches You to Write Better Content

  1. When you can use humor – use it!

If we try to think of Twain’s main characteristic, the answer is obvious: humor. However, he went beyond the plain jokes we would now equal to 9GAG jokes and Internet slang. There was something unique about his style that impressed every reader: the right dose of sarcasm.

There is wit in Twain’s pieces that still resonates with today’s readers. That’s why you should not focus on trending jokes when you’re writing your content. The things that are funny now might be silly in few years. Universal humor and sarcastic approach will make your pieces timeless.

  1. Know your facts

“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” That’s what Mark Twain said. When you are writing content that expresses your opinions on a certain matter, you have to be ready to face some criticism. In the era of Internet, this is more important than ever: you have to know what you’re talking about. Otherwise, the readers will trash you in a matter of minutes.

You can have a personal viewpoint, but you need to be aware of the facts. Always conduct an in-depth research before claiming something you’re not entirely sure of.

  1. Hang out with smart people

mark twain writing tips

Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla were friends. For real! One of them was a sarcastic satirist and the other one a crazy scientist – it was the most perfect bromance ever. Twain wrote about Tesla’s experiments, and the scientist used the writer to show how the human body can conduct electricity.

What can content writers learn from this friendship? It’s important to gravitate towards wise people, who are also fun. Use every single opportunity to learn from someone. Every type of knowledge will be useful for your work.

  1. You can surpass the writer’s block

All content writers will find this scenario familiar: you are supposed to write an article ASAP, but your mind is completely empty and you can’t even start with the first sentence. The project seems overwhelming. The only way to a successful outcome is to get started. Instead of approaching the task with negative thoughts, you should make a plan that will convince you it’s manageable.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

  1. Leave a mark

mark twain writing tips

Mark left a huge mark on literature, but on society too. How can you achieve such a status? Write unique content that tackles the hottest issues of our time. It’s even better if your statements are controversial. Before you write a blog post or an article, make sure to identify your stand. Keep your values consistent and your audience will recognize your authenticity without even reading the author’s name.

  1. Write for yourself, too!

Researchers from Berkeley recently discovered journalistic stories the author wrote no one knew about. Twain maintained his bohemian appeal and sense of humor even when he wrote on the most boring topics. These pieces were written during times of insecurity when the author was trying to find the right career path.

16 Tips on Blog Writing and Formatting

What can you learn from this example? Write! Write when you’re feeling good and write when you’re at a low point of your life. Not every piece you compose will become viral. Some will be humble, but they will still express your individuality.

  1. Think about the future

Where will your current actions take you in future? Every single piece of content you write should have a purpose. Sometimes you write because you have important things to say, but there are also days when you write just because you have a schedule to stick to. Even when you’re on schedule, you should find the purpose for your efforts.

See Also
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Here is a quote by Mark Twain that will make you think: “Plan for the future because that’s where you are going to spend the rest of your life.”

  1. Don’t go heavy on the adjectives

“As to the adjective: when in doubt, strike it out.”

Twain was right. Readers don’t want decorated content that lacks clarity. They want you to be straightforward. Maybe flowery prose was fashionable in the author’s time, but today it’s more boring than ever. When you write something, make sure your category of readers will understand it. If you’re not sure if the sentence needs an adjective, just skip it.

Humor, Clarity, and Clear Direction: That’s How You Write Great Content!

If you’re wondering what elements your content lacks, it’s time to learn from the master. Mark Twain is the perfect writer that would fit in today’s standards. He was funny, straightforward, intelligent, sarcastic, and profound. We all have a lot to learn from him. Tom Sawyer is an awesome read for the holidays, so it’s time to go back to the basics and allow Twain to show you how it’s done.

Author’s bio:

Anthony Ash is a young and ambitious writer, who is a real pride of TopAussieWriters assignment help team. You may contact him for collaboration: anthonyashcontact@gmail.com or follow him on twitter: @anthonyash_acc


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