How to Create a Travel Blog Post That Makes Your Audience Fly

travel blog post

It’s not a herculean task, let me tell you that. It’s perfectly doable, like spreading jam on toast. What’s this ‘it’ you ask? Capturing your most recent travel experience and composing a harmonious blog post around it. A post that inspires your readers and gives them a proper adrenaline rush. All you need is a sturdy combination of observation, dedication & direction, and you’re good to go.

Being a globetrotter, you have to consider yourself as a sponge – absorbing influences, sensations, impressions, and whatnot from your environment. There are stories everywhere. So, you need to tune and train yourself to catch those. In short, you have to be observant. Once you get hold of a particular idea thread, you have to spin it around and weave it into a wonderful textual pattern, which requires dedication. If you get stuck, you’ll need a guide, right? Consider this article as a direction-giver. 

Hoping to craft a perfect travel blog post with a handful of ingredients which your readers will love? Read the following guidelines and begin your writing journey right away!  

How to Create a Travel Blog Post That Makes Your Audience Fly

travel blog post tips
Image by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay

Tap into the Audience’s Mindscape

Always keep in mind that, as a writer, you have a responsibility to your readers first and foremost. Write for them, because these readers have the ability to make or break your post. If they don’t like/can’t relate to what you’re saying, then they’ll just pass over your post like a two-year-old newspaper, which is not something you’d prefer. 

Suppose your recent foray to Troutdale has led you to Shirley’s Tippy Canoe and their world-famous Sloppy Joes, which you gush about in your blog post. Regardless of the fact that a significant majority of your reader base is strictly vegetarian and would prefer to know about Paris’s Wild & The Moon on Charlot instead of the meaty hub any day. The result of this unpremeditated move? Your audience loses interest and you lose followers by handfuls. 

So, be sure to write about something that the audience of your niche is interested in, something which appeals to them, something which hits a nerve, and something which balms a burn. For this, you’ll have to step into their shoes and tap into their mindscape. Carry out elaborate research online to catch the essence of the ongoing zeitgeist around ‘travel’. Pump your network’s speed to save time by contacting your internet provider, if you have to. 


Plan the Physical Layout of the Post

Once you decide which aspect of your travels to cast, sketch the outline of your post accordingly. If you’re looking to solve a heated problem, around flight delays for instance, then your post will have a solution-oriented layout.

If you’re giving out tips/tricks/reasons/trends, like ‘the best Rio de Janeiro festivals to go to’, then you’ll have a list-post architecture. No matter what you’re hitting at, make sure to create an outline which catches the eye, sparks interest, escalates the need-to-travel, and pushes to action. Mandatory ingredients for this are:

•    Hooking Headline: Just like a colorful fly grabs the attention of the fish, your headline needs to be catchy enough to reel the reader right in. On this depends the fate of the entire blog post, believe you me. 

•    Appealing Image: Right after the headline, it’s wise to go for a fantastic feature image, which conveys the theme of the blog post. Try to insert an interesting image after each subheading too, because a post punctuated with gorgeous pictures of Fiji, let’s say, will have an effect like none other. It’ll be sensually meaningful.

•    Striking Intro: After the featured image, comes your introduction, which should be punchy and concise. It should give the readers valid reasons why the whole post will be of great value to them. The necessary reason for reading on about an adventure they have never had yet but might.

•    Guiding Sub-Heads: A mass of unending text might be off-putting for today’s users who’ve relatively shorter attention spans. They’re most likely to scan a blog post than go into detail. So, improve readability by using sub-heads, pointers, bullets and some such signposts. 

•    Unique Content: The key is to write from your heart. Be personal with your readers. Speak to the inner adventurist in each one. Tell them how you understand their life concerns and how you’re there to help them out of the plight by offering an exhilarating escape to Thailand. The main points of your post body should be convincing, informative, and interesting through and through. You can use humor for a more gripping effect too, but wisely. 

•    Smart Optimization: Remember, you have two kinds of audiences listening in on you. The first is the online user – the human whom you have to touch and inspire with your message. The second is the search engine – the smart program that has the power to bring your travel blog before the users’ eyes or throw it into the depths of obscurity. While composing a travel post, try to take these two side by side. Incorporate the trendiest keyword terms (like, “book a trip” or “travelling”) into your post to gain more SE friendly exposure. Track your ranking on a regular basis and reform your strategy accordingly.

•    Smooth Wrap-Up: Just like you roll up a tortilla warp after adding the meats or veggies, similarly, you should wrap up your entire blog post in the conclusion. Your closing should be strong, just like your intro. Not only strong but smooth too. Subtly calling the reader to action, inspiring them to book their flights and head to the nearest airport.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Invoke Readers’ Participation

A perfect blog post is like a two-way conversation. It’s not just the writer yammering on and on, but the reader nodding along and participating. An interested reader then considers such a post follow-worthy and shares it endlessly. So, engage your audience throughout with questions and opinion-requiring polls, etc. Ask for their comments, their views, their email addresses, and use other creative feedback eliciting means and methods for this purpose. Make sure to keep a split-second track of your audience’s participation and response to the post to cash it in most optimally. 

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Post on a Valid Platform

Where you post your blog article also matters. For example, if a detailed research paper is published on some meme site, then it will not get the attention it deserves, right? It’ll just be ignored. But, if it’s posted on an academic website, it’ll get the reviews it needs. So, make sure that your blog post is published on a relevant travelogue, which has a good domain authority, popularity and reader accessibility.

Also, after posting, remain very active in responding to the online community. They must have queries about your quest. Answer them as honestly as possible. They need to know that they can count on you.

So, with the aforementioned directions by your side, you can actually create a follow-worthy blog post about your latest adventure and become a travel influencer in no time!  

About the author:

Rimsha Ather is a professional writer with two years’ worth of practical experience in content creation, curation, and marketing. Her blogging interests range from technology to travel, with the latter gaining special attention from the readers. On the side, she is a metal-enthusiast, an occasional painter and a culinary freak with flavorsome stories up her sleeve.

Follow her online

Twitter: @wildflowerdust
Instagram: rimshhh.a
LinkedIn: Rimsha Ather

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