Five Essential Photography Tips for Bloggers

Once, a good blog was defined by its text alone. It didn’t matter too much what it looked like as long as it had useful information. Then the digital age exploded, and it was easier than ever to upload images onto your blog. From there, photography was not only a good idea for your blog, but it was also expected.

Times evolved even more, and now readers have become downright snobbish about the blogs that they read – only interested in those with high quality, frequent imagery. Any blogger interested in succeeding must learn to include photography on their blogs in a way that’s pleasing to their readers.

Creating good photographs begins with understanding what makes a good picture. Some of the most important features include:

Great Angles: Try to photograph a subject at its best angle so it looks more appealing to your readers. Experimentation is the best way to figure out how to photograph by angles.

High-Quality Resolution: Pixelation and blurry subjects are a big no-no.

Meaningful Subject: Just because a photo has great lighting and editing doesn’t mean it’s worth posting on your blog. The content needs to be relevant to what you’re writing about.

Emotionally Evocative: Hunger, thirst, love, happiness, calm – any emotion is good, but it’s even better if it brings your readers closer to the subject of your blog.

Pretty much everything else is a matter of style and personal preference. As you begin to use these photos in your blog, here are some of the most beneficial photography tips you can use.

1. Use Galleries

Posting one photo in a blog post is good, but posting an entire gallery is awesome. Use plugin technology to add galleries to your website so visitors can both read great content and view great images.

2. Take a Photography Class

Invest in your trade a little by enrolling in a photography class. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just a simple course that will teach you the basics about how to use your camera, perfect the lighting, and edit the final product. The best part about one of these courses is that it can be taken online in your spare time.

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3. Keep It Simple

It’s true that great photography can take a lot of work, but your readers shouldn’t be able to tell that from your photographs. Most of the time, a simple photo shoot is best when pairing images with your blog.

4. Choose a Great Editing Program

Though much of great photography is choosing good lighting, positioning your subject, and getting the angles just right, your editing program can take things to the next level. Invest in something high quality that suits your preferences and needs.

Most people like Adobe’s Photoshop, but the price tag often makes them choose a free program like Gimp instead. Both can work successfully for you, but make sure you’re comfortable and skilled with whatever you choose.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Use Filters

Most people are using filters on their photos nowadays, and for good reason: it can make a plain photo look exceptional with little effort. Though some filters are best left alone, don’t be afraid to experiment to see how a filter might improve your photos. Sometimes, it can add just the right touch!

Good bloggers are comfortable with photography, and they’re not afraid to experiment to get the right look for their blogs. Images are essential to good blog performance, so it’s worth the investment to learn more about it.

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David Jones



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