A Beginners Guide To Blogger Outreach

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So, you’re regularly posting on social media channels and your SEO strategy is at the top of its game, your brand presence however is still not a patch on what you’d like it to be. Where can you go from here? Nowadays, the only answer to this question is blogger outreach.

It’s time to forget everything that you do, or maybe don’t, know about blogger outreach and the oh-so tongue in cheek term ‘guest blogging’, because when done properly it could just be your most valuable tool.

What is blogger outreach?

If you’re a keen follower and user of popular marketing sites in a bid to learn how to increase brand presence then ‘blogger outreach’ is likely to be a term you’ve seen bandied about an awful lot.

Essentially, it’s exactly what it says on the tin; a blogger reaches out to other online blogs and publications in an attempt to get their content published and their name recognised.

Who should consider blogger outreach?

Do you want to increase brand awareness, presence and reputation? Do you hope to generate leads, sales and improve your rankings? It’s fairly certain that your answer to at least a few of these is a huge yes. In that case, blogger outreach is for you.

Is it beneficial?

It’s not easy but when done properly there are a huge number of benefits.

You need to be aware that outreach is a time consuming and very frustrating process. You’ll approach a huge number of professionals and publications and very few, if any, will respond. However, one response from an authoritative site or influential blogger could have a huge impact.

According to this infographic, 81% of readers trust the information they read on blogs and 61% go on to make a purchase based on bloggers recommendations – pretty good, right?

How do I do it?

First of all, you need to brainstorm your assets, which include your blog content, promotions, services and products. You can’t just approach a blogger and say you’d like to write an article to be featured on their site. You need carefully thought-out ideas that are relevant to both parties. For example if you sell a product you could offer bloggers a free giveaway to their readers or offer them one to review. If you’ve created a cool infographic or conducted a survey for your blog then contact bloggers who might want to share this data with their readership too.

You should only ever approach bloggers that are relevant to your industry. If you sell turf and you approach a renowned travel blogger you’re unlikely to get anywhere. There are plenty of tools out there that can help you build a contact list of relevant sites and publications. Vuelio and Cision for example, provide access to a database of some high-end publications but this will cost a decent amount of cash.

A much more effective technique, especially if you’d rather not splash out on fancy databases, is taking a look at the competition and sites that cover the top blogs in your industry.

See Also
person holding pencil near laptop computer

There are plenty of websites out there that will provide a list of the best travel blogs, sports blogs, marketing blogs and all other sectors – whatever your industry, you’ll be able to find sites like these and they’re all free! You can then work your way through the relevant lists and make contact with the webmasters directly.

Follow up

It could take days, weeks or even months before you find an angle that works with blogger outreach but it’s still frustrating when you’ve spent hours reaching out and you’ve not received a single reply.

If you don’t get a response to the emails you’re sending, don’t get disheartened. Leave it a week and send a follow-up email to check they received your email – you never know, it could have just ended up in someone’s junk folder – to ask what they thought of your ideas and to enquire on what the next stage of the process might be.

Blogger outreach opens a huge number of doors that you might otherwise never have found, whether that’s in the form of increased web traffic, heightened sales or a larger social media following. Not only that, you’ll gain quality backlinks that will only increase your authority in your industry and leave your competitors scratching their heads on your tactics. Regardless of how long it takes, stick with it because your technique will improve and the results are most definitely worth it!

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