7 Ways To Deal With AdBlock Users If You’re A Blogger

AdBlock Users

Advertisements are the lifeline of many websites. It’s one of the best ways to monetize one’s blog that’s for sure; this makes the said monetization method a double-edged sword. As with anything bountiful, it tends to get abused, which is why we see some websites applying ads to their webpages more than generously. This has led to a pushback in the form of AdBlock and of course, AdBlock users.

In fact, you’re probably among them– many of use are AdBlock users since ads can get rather intrusive. However, there are still websites and blogs that respect the preferences and peace of their users so much as to limit their ads. Adblock can be a huge problem for those fair blogs and websites who follow the ethical unwritten rules when it comes to applying ads to your site.

The said browser extension can feel a little too absolute and inconsiderate for the smaller and fairer websites. That is why learning how to deal with AdBlock users can not only save a monetization attempt for your blog but also make your audience appreciate you more. Here’s how to coexist with AdBlock.

An app for your website

Currently, there is no way AdBlock can work on smartphones so there you go. Developing an app for your blog or website is the next big thing you can do for it while also adjusting for the mobile shift. After all, roughly 50 percent of all the people online do it on their phones right now. That number will only increase as the years go by.

AdBlock Users

Of course, there is a possibility that advertisements on mobile might also get restricted but at the moment, it’s still pretty much unregulated. There’s also the fact that an app runs on its own and does not need to utilize any browser. This in itself is an investment but can be worth it in the long run.


Here’s a more direct and transparent approach: tell your audience and users how important the ads are to you and how they keep your blog or website up and running. First, however, you have to detect which ones are using AdBlock. You can easily do this with the plethora of plugins available in WordPress’ plugin store.

After that, all that’s left to do is to compose a heartfelt message detailing the sincerity of your motivations regarding ads. More often than not, you’ll find plenty of users willing to whitelist your website in their AdBlock. This way, you can have the best of both worlds, assuming your ads don’t annoy anyone too much.

How you handle those who don’t whitelist is up to you.

Block the AdBlock users

This one’s a more extreme approach; it is usually only reserved for websites that already have a solid and vast audience. The method involves denying access to your blog to any user who refuses to whitelist. It doesn’t even have to be a whitelist; sometimes you can block them as soon as you find out that they have AdBlock installed.

AdBlock Users

Depending on what your message is or how diplomatic you are, they’ll understand why you made it this way. A number of big-name websites like Forbes already do this kind of thing. If your website is nowhere near as big or as bold as that one, then move on to the next method; that’s because employing this one when your blog is still young is a sure way to decrease your audience.

RELATED: How Social Media Paid Ads Can Boost Blog Post Promotion


Instead of outright blocking anyone who has an AdBlock on their browser, you might want to be a little lenient and give them something else to look at. That’s the power of redirecting visitors. It doesn’t even have to be anything outside your website, you can redirect them to an inconsequential page or old content.

You can even redirect them to a page that explains why you need to be whitelisted. It’s a nice middle ground between blocking the users and asking them to let your ads run. You might want to try this if you find that either of those aforementioned methods doesn’t work well.

See Also
two women talking while looking at laptop computer

Premium and free content

In conjunction with redirecting AdBlock users, you can always split your blog into two parts for them. That would be the premium and free content. Many websites have already done this but in your case, the free content can be the ones that do have the ads in them and ask for whitelisting or redirections to premium content if they don’t want to whitelist.

Meanwhile, premium content will usually be devoid of ads and are far more polished or special. Of course, it still depends on your preference as a blog owner. This is simply one of the more efficient ways you can handle AdBlock users on your website.

Know which ads your users tolerate

In addition to being polite or straightforward, you can actually communicate two-way with your audience regarding what kind of ads they actually want to see or will tolerate. You can send them a survey or exam in which they will voluntarily send their data to you so you can tailor and customize the ads to their liking.

AdBlock Users

If your audience finds your ads to their liking, the chances are, there’s nothing to complain about much. After all, it may be a product or service that they need and something they expect to find that is related to your website.

Ditch the ads

As a last resort, we’re not saying you should abandon the ads completely, but maybe find something a little less intrusive as a monetization method for your audience. Affiliate marketing, online stores, or coaching, etc. Ads are not the be-all, end-all when it comes to monetization.

Also, you’ll find other methods less shunned by your audience and not affected by AdBlock users. All in all, it might be better to consider what your audience likes or dislikes on your blog, even the AdBlock users.

RELATED: 4 Reasons Why In-Image Advertising Converts Better Than Traditional Banner Ads

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Natividad Sidlangan



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