Do you carefully craft each of your blog’s posts only to see a little traffic? Or do you see steady traffic but no growth? Unfortunately, this is an issue many bloggers face and often can’t figure out the ‘hack’ that will help their subscriber list grow, which ultimately means more potential income.
We are going to give you some insight on how to keep your readers coming back, how to capture their information, and what you need to do to make your blog successful! Keep reading to find out exactly what you should be doing.
What is a Landing Page & Do I Need One?
You may not realize that there are multiple differences between landing pages and homepages. However, this is an important topic to cover.
A homepage is usually already known by the user; they go there because they want to read what you’ve written or buy whatever you’re selling. A landing page is a website that a user lands on usually by clicking on a link from social media or other sources.
The idea of a landing page is to make an offer that the new user can’t refuse – whether it is a coupon for merchandise from your store, exclusive access to helpful information, or anything else of perceived value. In order for that user to obtain that offer, they must enter key information, usually their email, name, and sometimes, cell phone number.
Gathering this data will allow you to remain in contact with that person whether or not they continue to use your site. You might send a reminder email about new content or special guests; whatever it is that will keep the user interested.
This all is made possible by including a landing page in your marketing campaign!
Creating a Landing Page (Yes, You Need One)
While all blogs and websites are different, there are many similarities when it comes to creating a landing page. Generally, you need a strong call to action, a way to gather information, and a great offer that entices users.
With that said, you want a simple, yet visually appealing landing page to grab users’ attention. You’ll need strong landing page copy and social proof that people like what you have to say or are selling.
There are also a few mistakes to avoid with your landing page. The first one is to write it as if you were talking to friends. Explain things in a way that makes people excited and isn’t boring – but doublecheck your work for typos and errors as this can take away credibility!
Make sure your landing page is optimized for mobile use and also be sure to include your privacy policy. No, most people don’t read these all the way through, but it makes them feel as though they can trust that you won’t sell their information to the highest bidder.
Email Newsletters
Since you’ve captured users’ data through your landing page, you are now building an email list. This is great, but you have to do something with it in order for it to be of value!
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An email newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with users who have previously visited your site and retain their interest in your blog. Your email newsletter doesn’t have to be long but it does have to be well thought out and offer information worth reading.
There are multiple ways to create an email newsletter but generally, you will want to use software designed for this purpose. If you happened to create multiple landing pages that promoted different areas of your blog (be it merchandise or your content) you might consider breaking these email lists into separate segments.
Many of the programs available will allow you to personalize the email with the user’s first name and will allow you to track the success of the email campaign through various metrics. The entire idea here is to keep those users returning to your site, ensuring they are active and engaged.
Engage Your Readers
If you think about it, blogging can often be like having a one-sided conversation. While the story that you create may be helpful, informative, or simply uplifting, sometimes your readers want to see something different.
Many websites offer surveys that allow their users to explain any thoughts, comments, or concerns. These surveys ask for feedback about their product or the direction in which they should go.
As a blogger or blog site owner, you should consider asking your subscribers what topics they’d like to see covered. You can do this simply by sending out an email to your mailing list.
With the proper use of a survey template, you can receive high-quality answers to your questions and figure out what your readers need or want. This helps you produce helpful content, keep readers coming back, and allow users to feel as though their needs are heard.
Use Psychology
Have you ever clicked on a website only to immediately navigate away because it seemed scammy or spammy? There may have been nothing wrong with the site but something deep down inside of you told you there was something ‘off.’
To avoid this situation happening with new subscribers, take into consideration the psychology behind website building. Of course, establishing social proof and trust by having a privacy policy is necessary; however, you need to also consider color schemes, fonts, and the proper use of white space.
When you build a website that takes into consideration the end user’s psychological experience, you wind up with more people who want to return to your blog and share it with friends. This also may mean limiting the number of ads you allow to run at one time or how many sponsored blog posts you feature to ensure users feel like they’re getting authentic, valuable content.
The End Result
If your ultimate goal is to grow your subscriber list and keep your readers coming back, you should at least consider implementing one or all of these tips. If you feel as though you cover all of these aspects already, great – but something still isn’t clicking, or else you wouldn’t be reading this.
Consider taking a second look at each of these tips and really digging into your website or blog, your landing page, and how your email newsletter is constructed. Ask for help from a trusted friend or company if you’re not sure, and then take another look at your website design.
Something as simple as changing the color scheme of your blog can have a huge impact on whether or not users return or share content! Simply put: view your blog through your readers’ eyes!
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