5 Tips for Getting More Experience in Your Blogging Niche

Bloggers come in all shapes and sizes with different niches, backgrounds, and priorities. It’s the
writers who command credibility and experience, though that gain the most followers. As a blogger, having more experience and knowledge in the field should be a top priority.

People subscribe to blogs because they like to hear from experts in the niche. They recognize the value of learning and want to hear more from an expert. They don’t want to read articles that have already been written, and they’re less interested in following bloggers whose primary source is Google.

People who read blogs often follow specialists, those with a passion for their field who think of new ideas and new ways to share information. Many bloggers make the rookie mistake of not asserting their authority, and that’s what puts them behind their competitors.

One of the best ways to achieve credibility is by gaining real-life experience. Any blogger who wants to improve their writing and attract a strong following should work on growing their experience.

Here are some ideas:

1. Put Emphasis on Life Experiences

If you’ve started a blog in a certain niche, you probably have some life experience worth using. Think back on what shaped your passion for your niche and some of the things you’ve gone through. Use these memories as food for your blog posts.

Don’t be afraid to share personal experiences that support your thoughts and make them more credible, even if they show a less-perfect side of you.

2. Constantly Seek More Experience

Every industry leader should be on the hunt for new experiences. They might read books, volunteer, do an internship, network with professionals, perform freelancing, or try something new and outside their comfort zone.

For example, a mommy blogger writing about the best backyard playsets could do some research and share her findings. According to The Backyard Guys, “Things like sand boxes, clubhouse spaces, steering wheels, and telescopes all provide great avenues for kids to let their imaginations take charge, while features like rock walls, rope ladders, monkey bars, and climbing ramps provide a challenge for kids to overcome, keeping them engaged as they play.”

The blogger should share information like this, plus any further experience or decisions that she made.

3. Subscribe to Industry-Expert Blogs

Even if you’re constantly seeking experience in your blogging niche, you’ll never get to the point where you know everything. That’s when you’ll call in expert advice, and industry-leading blogs are great for that.

Subscribe to credible blogs, and regularly read the advice from experts in your field. You’ll get new ideas for topics on your own blog and avoid re-hashing tired ideas. The knowledge of others won’t replace the value of getting your own experience, but it can fill in gaps and work as the occasional substitute while you strive to keep your blog authoritative.

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4. Define the Audience

A niche’s primary role is to grow your audience. When you can write to a specific group of people and provide consistent and relatable content, they’ll learn from your experiences, generating demand for your blog posts.

But you can’t achieve this if you aren’t targeting the right audience. If you want to be an expert, you have to target the people who know less than you. If you have a Ph.D. in English, you can write for just about any audience, including those at your own level because it’s the highest level of education available in that field.

You don’t want to write for university-level professors with a just a Bachelor’s in English, but you can still write a blog that caters to a less experienced audience of amateur writers.

5. Answer Audience Questions

Your well-targeted followers will often ask questions pertaining to your niche. You might know the answer right away, but other times, you may have to do a little digging. By researching and experiencing the answers to those questions, you can gain even more knowledge while adding a valuable entry to your blog.

For example, if you’re a music blogger and someone asks about the best guitar for amateurs, you can read online reviews and test out guitars at music shops. You’re doing the work and that experience will be invaluable to your audience.

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