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SplashPress and The Blog Herald Announce the Independent Blogger Book Quest

SplashPress and The Blog Herald Announce the Independent Blogger Book Quest

UPDATE: Please forgive my misuse of the term “Indie Bloggers.” I was caught in book world thinking, using the short form for Indepemdent . . . Please accept my corrections. Independent Blog Book Authors from India and all over the world are welcome to participate.

It’s no secret that I’m from publishing or that I have a feeling for writing and books. I don’t hide the fact that I spent my early career, teaching kids how to get meaning by decoding words in type. Books combine so much I care about teaching, learning, thinking, communicating ideas. The best ones have photos, illustrations, maps, and diagrams too.

It’s enough to make me swoon. When you’re stuck somewhere, a good book can take you anywhere.

And so, with great enthusiasm and, in celebration of the book, Blogging Tips That Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging by Lorelle VanFossen, I’m pleased to announce the SplashPress IndieIndependent Blogger Book Quest here at the Blog Herald.

Because Not All Books Are Created Equal

We all know that not all books are created equal. Some have big-name authors. Some have big-name publishers. Some have big-dollar marketing plans. Other books are written after work, after dark, after the kids are put to bed. Those last books are slightly harder to bring to market. They often have a harder time reaching their audience.

So many of them are great books. A great book without an audience still doesn’t get read. That’s worse than sad.

Yet readers hardly have time to read the thousands of books published each year that make it through the rigorous hoops that publishers set. What chance does an independent publisher or a brand-new author have to get read? Changing that is what the Independent Blogger Book Quest is about.

The Independent Blogger Book Quest

Every week, I’ll be reviewing a book published independently — without the backing of a major publisher. In keeping with our mission at the Blog Herald, the books will be about blogging, business, and the work of online professionals.

I have a first few books already selected for review, but don’t think that your business or blogging book can’t be a part.

See Also

If you’re interested in having your print book or ebook on blogging or business considered, please follow these submission guidelines.
Send an email to liz [at]
Include the following information.
Subject Line: Independent Blogger Book
Name of the book
Name of the author
General Topic:
Short summary of the book: 500 words or less
Date of publication or first availability to the public

Don’t forget to include your contact information so that I can reach you to ask you to send a copy of your book. . Allow a week or two to get back to you about your submission.

It’s time that we started talking about the great books that bloggers write.

Liz Strauss, a publisher and founder of SOBCon, writes about books, ideas, writers, and changing the world at Successful-Blog.

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