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How to Make Sure Employees Can Find Critical Business Info When They Need It

How to Make Sure Employees Can Find Critical Business Info When They Need It

How to Make Sure Employees Can Find Critical Business Info

Wasted time at the workplace translates to wasted money and unfulfilled potential. That’s why it’s so important to have efficient systems of operation in place. These often include flowcharts for production and manufacturing, product development and approval, and standard operating procedures (SOPs). While these are all important, many companies often forget to include document processes in their standard flow charts. And yet, quick access to pertinent documentation is crucial for optimal productivity and efficiency at work.

Workers should be able to quickly access critical info that relates to their jobs. Examples of critical employ-centric documents include process flow charts, analytics and reporting data, supply chain information, and their own personnel files. Here’s how to make sure employees have access to this information when they need it.

Here’s a revised version of the takeaway, focused on accounting software while maintaining the structure and spirit of the original article title:

Implement User-Friendly Accounting Software

If you don’t currently have a centralized system for managing financial data, it’s time to invest in comprehensive accounting software. Ideally, your solution should be cloud-based, allowing for real-time access and updates. While some physical records may still be necessary, digital systems typically offer faster and more efficient access to financial information.

It’s crucial to set up a clear and intuitive structure within your accounting software. Create modules or sections for different financial aspects such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and financial reporting. This organization helps employees quickly navigate and locate the specific financial data they need.

Your accounting software should securely store everything from general ledgers to individual employee payroll information. However, it’s vital to maintain proper access controls. Ensure that sensitive financial data is protected with appropriate user permissions and encryption to prevent unauthorized access while still allowing employees to find the critical financial information they need when they need it.

Train Employees on How to Access Data

Depending on their specific job responsibilities, the average worker may need to access dozens of documents per day or week. And yet, some estimates assert that employees waste about 19% of their time searching for the info they need to do their jobs. This should be a huge concern for any business owner or manager whose goal is to boost efficiency. To prevent such an unnecessary time waste, train staff members on how to access company data.

Educating new hires on your document storage and accessing procedures should become a standard part of your onboarding processes. However, a one-and-done training session isn’t usually sufficient. You may want to also hold semi-annual or annual refreshers to make sure team members are always in the know. You should also take time to hold a company-wide training anytime you update or change your document storage systems.

Make Documents Safe to Access Remotely

If any of your staff members work from home all or part of the time, they’ll need to have an easy way to access pertinent information. This is also true for employees who regularly take business trips and need to be able to download work-related information from any location. If business-related documents are only accessible on-site, it’s only a matter of time before that setup becomes a problem.

However, remote access does present an unusual security issue because workers may try to download sensitive documents using unsecured public networks or personal devices. To prevent unwanted data breaches, consider requiring remote workers to use a company-mandated virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your data and routes traffic through a remote server to maintain user privacy. You can further protect sensitive company documents by requiring the use of secure company computers by all staff, no matter where they’re located.

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hr analytics reports

Maintain Templates of Frequently Used Documents

Make a list of the documents your staff members most frequently create, use, and edit. You might end up with examples like product specifications, contracts, non-disclosure agreements, and business pitches. Creating these types of documents from scratch can be extremely time-consuming and stressful. Plus, workers may feel anxious about their ability to make sure these documents contain all the necessary information.

It’s wise to maintain templates of frequently used documents in one easily accessible area. It’s fairly easy to find templates of the most common business documents online. You may also be able to find what you need in your Microsoft database of spreadsheet templates. Spending a little time searching for the templates you need now will save you and your employees time down the road.

Use AI to Make Information Accessing Easier

Artificial intelligence is making practically every aspect of professional life easier, including document management. Many employees agree that poor digital organization makes it harder to be effective and productive at work. Rather than assembling a team specifically for document management, consider utilizing artificial intelligence.

AI can automate repetitive data extraction and processing tasks, offer enhanced search and retrieval options, and offer intelligent document summaries. It can even keep track of document revisions and offer reliable version control. These functions make it easier for employees to find the info they need, when they need it. AI can also give employees peace of mind that the information they’re accessing is the most up-to-date version available.

As businesses grow, they naturally accrue massive amounts of data. It can be challenging to manage and access that information in an efficient manner. To maximize productivity and minimize frustration, use these tips to make sure employees can find critical business info when they need it.

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