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Why Aren’t Your Visitors Sharing Your Post on Social Media

Why Aren’t Your Visitors Sharing Your Post on Social Media

Sometimes, no matter how brilliant your social media posts are, they never seem enough to earn a high number of likes and reshares. It is not just because you may have targeted the wrong crowd or you write about topics that are simply not interesting enough. For most content marketers, it is the lack of social proof that fails to get them substantial engagement in social networks.

In a case study done on CalPont, a database management software company, it was proven that their content did not receive sufficient participation because there are fewer than five likes in most of them. In fact, removing the share count altogether lead to an increase in engagement because users no longer saw how poorly the content was garnering engagement in social media.

However, you should not dismiss the use of share counts as social proof altogether. Keep in mind that showing off the number of social media shares is an excellent way to build trust. However, you must first prioritize increasing your numbers before you show them off. Otherwise, the audience might get discouraged to read the rest of your content because the small number of social engagement acts as a distraction factor.

That said, below are some other reasons why your social shares are low along with the appropriate solutions to each:

1. Leverage Social Media for More Readers

First, you have to deal with the elephant in the room. Simply put, you cannot have enough engagement if you are not reaching a large audience with your message. That is why you should focus first on the methods to expand your social reach.

A proven strategy is to create your social media group or join an existing one in your particular niche. Consider your target audience to determine the social media platforms you need to use. For example, if you are after the professional crowd, then you should focus on participating in Linkedin groups. However, then again, you can always join as many social media groups as you need, as long as you can maintain all of your accounts without neglecting even one.

Remember that you need to be an active member to make a name for your brand. Participate in discussions, answer questions and subtly promote your brand by making a few references here and there. After a while, you may also go for an admin position once you have established yourself as a valuable contributor in the group. If this is your goal, make sure you ask the current admins first if they are considering promoting members into admins.

Aside from social media groups, you can also put the brand out there by holding a social media contest. Not only will a successful contest earn you more followers, but you can also leverage the opportunity to earn User-Generated Content or UGC. You can also hold a Q&A session to establish your credibility as an information provider. For this strategy, you can use a platform like’s Ask Me Anything

2. Make Sharing Easier for Your Readers

As you slowly gain more readers, your next priority is to make it easier for your readers to share your content. If you feel like there’s not enough share count, then you can choose simple social sharing buttons and focus on visibility instead. However, you should veer away from generic and clunky social sharing buttons that are widespread in content management system repositories. Instead, look for premium WordPress plugins for social sharing that can provide you with additional features to empower your campaign.

For example, you can use Social Warfare not only to display beautiful social sharing buttons but to access analytics that will help you optimize your layout further. This particular tool also allows you to set how much social shares are needed before they are shown—perfect for solving the problem of the initial lack of engagement. It also offers features like tweetable quotes, Twitter cards, and Pinterest buttons for images to cater to specific social media audiences.

If you need something simpler, you can use a tool like Better Click to Tweet, which is a WordPress plugin you can use to create tweetable quotes within your content. You can use it to highlight the takeaways of your posts to pique the interest of readers and establish yourself as an authority in a particular subject matter.

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social media evaluation

3. Get Help from Influencers

Lastly, remember that you can always leverage the reach of influencers to maximize the exposure of your content. Influencers are people with an established following in a particular channel. TV personalities, celebrities, famous bloggers, YouTube stars—these are some of the influencers that big brands work within social media.

Of course, you need to start small and find influencers you can work with realistically. You can use an influencer marketing platform like TRAACKR to help you find individuals and brands with a significant following in social media as well as manage your outreach campaign. You also have LinkedIn to help you connect with well-known professionals that can promote your content.

Just remember that these influencers will not work with just anyone. You need a solid content and relationship building strategy that is specifically tailored to each influencer. The content of the pitch itself is up to you, but remember that you can also find mutual connections to help you make the introduction. Also, don’t forget that you can also connect with influencers offline in physical events such as seminars.


A solid social media strategy has many moving parts; that is why making a name for your brand in social networks is never simple. The steps above should help you increase your social presence methodically as long as you focus on one thing at a time. Good luck!

View Comments (2)
  • Social media is one of the best source of getting visitors on your website. Having sharing button on your website is the demand of the time. You must have sharing buttons on your website which make sharing the content easier. Sharing button offers the user the easiest way to share your content with their friends and public. Thus you can have more exposure to larger group of people.

  • I think one of the reasons why many contents are not shared in social media is because they are zillions of content out there, people get sick of sharing. They share only very extraordinary content

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