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BloggerTalks relaunches with Skelliewag Interview

BloggerTalks relaunches with Skelliewag Interview

BloggerTalks, a blogging commentary site that was formerly run by Tony Hung, former Blog Herald Editor and Thord Hedengren has relaunched with an interview with Skelliewag, the founder of a new favorite site of mine I have to admit the interview didn’t jump out at me but I’m going to give it time to mature and gel a little bit before I have to pick up the phone and tell Thord I need a job asking the dangerous questions. You all know how I am. A bit to controversial for my own good.

View Comments (2)
  • I have been a fan of blogger talk and the way it intervies blogger really makes me feel that one day i too would be featured in it. It really gives us insight on how real life blogger can be and hwo they do their work

  • Its actually spelt skallywagging it basically means ducking and diving for the southern people any its lovely weather in for the algarve golf

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