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Multi-channel media crucial for corporate communication, says executive

Multi-channel media crucial for corporate communication, says executive

Corporate Communication

Beth Haiken, Executive Vice President at Method Communications, stresses the significance of multi-channel participation in media outlets for successful corporate communication. She states that every audience sector cannot be satisfied by a single platform; hence, the need to diversify the communication mediums. A consistent message across all platforms is vital to reinforce a company’s brand and values, according to Haiken.

The effective use of various media can foster a two-way communication system. It provides room for dialogue and feedback, strengthening internal and external relationships. The selection of media channels should reflect the audience’s preferences and habits to ensure maximum reach and engagement.

Haiken strongly advocates persuading business leaders to value these media outlets. A few strategies she suggests include proving the reach and influence of the outlets, aligning media appearances with business goals, and building strong relationships with key media personnel.

Optimizing multi-channel media for business communication

A comprehensive research into the media outlet will provide evidence of its potential effectiveness, and understanding of the target audience’s tastes and preferences will help PR professionals to tailor their messages accordingly.

Beth also underlines the importance of tracking PR campaigns, engagement rates, reach, and conversion rates to measure success. Nurturing relationships with journalists and influencers, and keeping pace with rapidly changing media trends are also crucial aspects to consider. Executives can utilize the insights gained through these relationships and the above-mentioned strategies in their strategic planning, which will benefit the company’s overall performance and standing.

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Haiken emphasizes the need to show how individual content pieces form part of a broader narrative. This approach can convince business leaders to consider it as a significant opportunity. In face of any reluctance from executives towards new media outlets, alternate engagement forms and contingency plans can be considered.

Haiken insists that it’s the PR professionals’ job to convey the value of media opportunities to executives, despite any hurdles that may arise. She firmly believes that this proactive stance can boost the company’s operational efficiency in the long run.

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